Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The things we did in Fashion were great! We got to make a t-shirt and tomorrow we get to make a skirt. Before that the teacher gave us a practice sheet so we can learn to do a fringe, applique, sew on buttons and make stitches. On Friday, the last day of Fashion, we get to do a fashion show in front of our parents and some counselors.


Inventor's Workshop - Counselor Post

We had a very exciting day in Inventor's workshop today. First, the students learned about the six types of simple machines: wheel and axle, inclined plane, wedge, pulley, lever and screw. Next they built catapults and had a launching contest! Later the students received a challenge. Using a variety of materials, students must use what they learned about machines to build a machine that will transport a small stuffed animal across the hallway. There were lots of different designs which looked very promising. I can't wait until they test out these experiments tomorrow!

- Rebecca
I like International Ivy because the staff is nice and they make the summer camp more fun by 10x. In class they help you and outside they give you free food! In brain training, they do mini golf memory cards and the presidents. When we have snack we either play capture the flag, relay races, minute-to-win-it and so much more. I think International Ivy is the best camp I have ever been to!

I think that Brain Training is a fun class to take. It's nice to use your brain in ways you never knew you could. My favorite thing is our memory testing. For example, studying the presidents through pictures.

International Ivy is a fun and experiencing camp.  My favorites class, Brain Training is  fund and challenging class including hard work, memorization, and using your brain.  Sometimes, we play matches with brain cards, and have to find patterns in color, shape, size and direction.  This activity makes you strain your eyes and brain to find matches faster than your opponents.  We also use tanagrams which are different shapes and you have to find a way to make something (ie square) using all the shapes.  Another fun memory activity are the memory cards, where they have numbers in an imaginary tic-tac-toe board and you have to memorize the card (and blind spots) and recite the numbers and blank spots in order. The cards go from three numbers to four, to five and so on.  A fun memory/guessing game is the the golf game where you have "holes" and you have to memorize the the route  and draw the line to every hole.  There are also dark spots that you have to avoid, and if you got through them, you get a point.  Your goal is to get the least amount of points as possible, like real golf.  The more tries you get to go to a hole, the more points you get.  Lastly, and most fun activity is learning the presidents in order, using pictures that give hints/clues.  They make it SO easy to remember all 44 Presidents.  Try to say them as fast as possible!  Its a real challenge!  Brain Training is a fun course that is worth doing!

I liked International Ivy  Summer Camp.  I went to RANDD and Brain Training  I learned all of the presidents from George Washington all the way up to Barack Obama!  It was a series of pictures.  Some of them were kind of funny.  We also did braincards, memory digit cards and visualization golf.  There were also Ivy points.  You have to do something good to get Ivy points.  Gets 50 points (each slip is 10 points) and you get something from the treasure chest.  I want to come back next year.  I loved International Ivy.
