Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Frog dissections in Short Hills

Today in Short Hills, the Biology and Chemistry class dissected frogs! The students inspected various parts of the frogs, including the tongue and leg muscles, to apply what they've been learning in class. 

What's Happening in Web Design?

Students taking web design this week are developing their own website. Although the students are familiar with what web design is, it is their first time creating their very own website! Even though it is only day 3, students have a blast in Web Design. Check out a blog below!

"Hello! This summer, I'm going to International Ivy at Wardlaw-Hartridge in Edison. I signed up for the activity Website Design. It is so awesome! Our teacher Nicole is the best teacher ever! On the first day of Website Design, you get to learn what html is, and you get to write your top five ideas on what you want your website to be about, and you choose one of your ideas. You also start researching on your topic. On the second day, you learn HTML coding in order to start your website, and you do some more researching on your topic. On the third day, you start designing your website, On the fourth day, you do some more designing and finish your website. In conclusion, International Ivy is fun and cool!"