Friday, July 12, 2013

Chatham - End of Week 2!


Photo Comics Creation

Detective Spy Lab


NASA - Dry Ice!

Caldwell Week 2

As the week comes to a close at Caldwell, we look back on the fun activities we had all week! We enjoyed class as well as pajama day and wet day! We can't believe how quickly these first two weeks have gone and we are so excited for what is in store for the upcoming weeks! We are particularly excited about Color War during Week 5 and Halloween in July next week!!

Short Hills Week 2: NASA Academy of Future Space Explorers

Chatham Week 2 Video

We had another fun and exciting week at the Chatham Day School campus!  Our classes were able to both learn and create many new things.  Our Youtube video for week 2 is up!  Please click here.

Chatham Week 2: Wet Day!