Thursday, July 11, 2013

Short Hills Week 2: Cake Design Blogging

"I think cake decorating class is wonderful.  Every day I walk out and people say no fair, I have cake.  I say to them, well, join cake decorating class." -SD

"I love cake decorating class because you get to be creative and show your talents." -CG

"I think cake decorating class is awesome because we get to have a lot of fun decorating."-KH

Chatham Week 2: Relay Races During Break!

Chatham Week 2 - Robotics

"My favorite robot is the 5 minute bot. I favor it because it can detect colors with its color sensor.  I programmed mine to follow the trail of a black line when the sensor detected it  Even when the line twisted and turned it still followed.  Then, a track of lines was assembled and the goal was to stay on the floor parts of the course  I programmed it to do that and it worked!" - KLT

Chatham Week 2: Greek Mythology

"I like Greek Mythology because we talk a lot.  I like it when we get to read Percy Jackson.  I like Greek Mythology because we learn about the gods and monsters." - A.L.

Chatham Week 2- Greek Mythology

"Greek Mythology is really cool!  We do plays of different myths, like Phaeton and Helios.  The first day we even watched the Percy Jackson movie!  We get to create our own myths and my friends and I acted it out!  I love doing Greek Mythology at International Ivy!"   - S.B.

Chatham Week 2 - Greek Mythololgy

"I love Greek Mythology!  We watched Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief. We also got to find the differences and similarities.  There is a lot of differences.  The movie was amazing. 

Greek Mythology is AWESOME! We got to perform skits.  I was Athena. We got into a time machine and saved some people for our skit.  Performing this was so cool."

- A.Y.L.