Thursday, July 17, 2014

Wet Day was a Blast at Caldwell! #Week3

Few photographic highlights from Wet Day at Caldwell!

The dunk-tank was their favorite part!

Wet Day Fun! Edison- Week 3

Students and counselors participate in Wet Day held every Wednesday. On Wet Day, students have a water balloon toss, play with water shooters, and the chance to be dunked in the dunk tank. Wet Day proves to be an exciting day for everyone each week. Take a look at some of our pictures from this week's Wet Day! We all can't wait for next week's Wet Day!

A Status Report from Far Hill Head Counselor, Becca "Uno Champ" Ballinger

Hey there, folks. This is Becca, head counselor, reporting from the Far Hills location! I cannot believe we are already half way through the summer. I guess they weren't lying when they said time flies when you're having fun.

Bloggin' up a storm in the office!
I am currently clad in my favorite pajama pants (elegantly patterned with tea cups). No, I didn't forget to get dressed this morning. It's pajama day! The campers and counselors are all partaking in a makeshift slumber party today. But pajama day couldn't hold a candle to our Halloween in July last week. I was surrounded by the scariest of masks and coolest of costumes.

Yesterday was quite possibly THE GREATEST WET DAY EVER. But maybe I'm a little bias. I'm pretty sure we broke the record in the water balloon toss with two campers making it up to ten--count 'em--TEN tosses! But once we broke out the water shooters I had to take shelter behind a bush. These campers came up with the ingenious idea to use three shooters at a time making our poor counselors three times as drenched.

I've been waiting all week for a few campers to finish the original stories they've been working on. Tomorrow they are finally going to let me read the final draft! So far I've heard them talking about fairies and space and adventure, oh my! Perhaps I'll be reading the first works of the
future J.K. Rowlings?! Who knows!

Well, I'm off to the playground where the campers and I are going to sprawl out under the warm summer sun and get our reading on. Stay cool, Jersey!

Classes at Caldwell: Week 3

Here are some fantastic quotes from a few enthusiastic students!

"This class is really great. I loved making comics on the first day, using the website ToonDoo on the second day and using the website GoAnimationon the third day. I made really cool videos on the third day like: The Waiter that Never Listened and The Scientist and The Girl. I am looking forward to making my next video called Space Wars!" -- S.B.
" We write lots of comics and play fun games that involve comics too in Comic Creation Class. I think the class is really fun. I get to be creative on websites like ToonDoo and GoAnimate which is great. You can just think of something simple and turn it into a cool comic." -- M.B.
"I am taking Detective Spy Lab this week. We get to take many of the cool things we create home. My favorite thing to do is use the spy gears, which was really fun. This one of my favorite Mad Science class." -- A.V.

Far Hills Camper Blogs

Here are a couple more blogs from our awesome campers at Far Hills!
Annabelle is taking Imagination Authors. She says, "I had a good time. All the teachers are nice. I wrote a story about a fairy and two girls. My teacher is named Mrs. Doreen and she is the writing teacher. We call her Mrs. D. She is very nice."

David is taking the Computer Programming class where he works in Scratch. He says, "My experience at International Ivy was great. My teacher's name is Mike. We programmed on Scratch and learned a lot of new things."