Friday, July 13, 2012

The Big Battle

The two robots battled.  It was a 1 on 4.  Robots 4 and 17 are the names.  4 grappled 17 and swung it around.  17 retailiated back.  The next thing I knew, 17 was getting beaten up.  17 was out!  R51 vs R17 was the first round 2c battle.   51 was defeated.  I knew one thing.  It was an epic mini tournament.  


Counselor Post #4

Today was the last day of week 2!  I can't believe how fast it flew by.  We had a lot going on today between all of the final class projects and the closing day activities.  Each Friday, our classes try to have a final assignment that combines all of the work that has been done throughout the week.  In the morning, Robotics had another battle competition, Fashion Design had a fashion show, Detective Spy Lab was outside practicing things outside (as well as how to hide really well from people!) and WeDo was continuing on by adding on to a soccer/goalie post lego set to make crowd members cheering.  

Here are some pictures from our classes...

The rules that the class had to follow

Practice Runs

Our final battle was between these two students.

Our third place winner (J.T.), our first place winner (J.W.) and second place winner  (A.C.)
During break time today, we decided to have a fun Friday activity.  Although our classes are stimulating the minds of the children during the day, we want to make sure they are still having an enjoyable summer camp experience.  The other counselors and I decided to have a water balloon fight today.  Read the other posts from the students below to see what they thought about it!! 

The students were able to throw the remaining balloons at each other, but one of them asked if they could throw them at me as well.  I said they absolutely could, but then they all started running after me!! I definitely got wetter than anyone else, but it was so much fun for me.  It was great bonding time before we all departed for the week. 

Keep on reading our blog for next week, and check to see where your children have made posts!  They are labeled by their initials.  Thanks for a wonderful two weeks so far! 


Sumo Bots

In a sumo battle I had one of the 4 bots charged J.W.'s robot, and he and J.W. went out.  I realized that I could charge R.A. and beat him. So I charged him head on and shoved him out.  He was totaled!!! 

    By:  N.L. 

Water Balloon Fight!!

I loved the water balloon toss & fight.  It is very fun.  I loved getting wet.  We all got water balloons then threw them.  We all got wet.  Also, the people who didn't want to get wet didn't.  It was fun.  I threw water balloons at everybody except the counselors. 


Water balloons in the morning


Water balloon toss in the afternoon

Friday the Thirteenth

Friday the Thirteenth, the day of the sumo bots.  4 bots enter, one leaves.  The stakes are high and the spirit of competition is in the air.  Who will win?  We will soon find out as the competitors enter.  The rules are announced to win.  You must be the last one standing.  You are eliminated if you touch your robot, and if both wheels leave the arena.  The competition begins...


Sumo battle...

July 13, 2012

Today at International Ivy we built sumo bots.  My robot had a very modern intricate web-like style.  I won half of the matches I was in.  During the break we had a water balloon catching contest.  We had 2 contests, and my 2 partners were G.B. and A.L.  After the contest we could either throw water balloons at each other or throw and catch water balloons.  I chose to get wet and so did G.B.  We each took turns throwing balloons at each other and I've got to say, I really didn't get wet at all!  Overall I had a great time!  


Sumo Bots!

Water balloon catching

Video Game Creation

Jan was a very good teacher and the staff members were helpful and nice.  I learned so much in this class.  I loved it. 

The End of the Week...

Today is the last day and we have all of our games programmed.  We are going to take the software and all the other games home.  Make sure to play my game!


Video Game Design

Today we learned about different things by different kids and what they have discovered on game-maker.  So far I have created 8 different levels.  My main player is a dog and the enemy is a Flaming Dog.  I like my game a lot.  It's really hard though.

I think the video game creation program is really cool and that people should try it.  It is really fun and I hope to join it next year!
