Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Far Hills Week 7: The Last Camp Hero

After our commercial last week, the staff at Far Hills wanted to think of more ways to promote the great classes offered at International Ivy. We reached out to one of our campers who has been with us for all seven weeks and also took the film making class. He became the star of our video playing a camper who is overwhelmed by all of the class options International Ivy has to offer. Take a look.

Somerset Bids Farewell to their Counselor
Week 7

If their is one thing that everyone agreed on this summer it was that our counselor Andrew was the best. He made everything fun and was always laughing. Soccer and Pictionary were his favorite break activities and lunch wasn't complete without hot sauce! We enjoyed it when you taught Civil Engineering, Biomedical Engineering. and Video Game Creation! We learned so much. Our campers will truly miss the counselor they had all summer. We wish you well and good luck at Duke!

Short Hills Week 7 - Robotics Championship

Awesome Inch Worm Robots Racing to the Finish Line