Monday, July 8, 2013

Sticky goo!

I like the camp. It is really fun. I learned how to make goo. It was really sticky! - C.D.

Mad Science & 3D Art

I like doing science&3D art. I like sewing for the first time and I like that I'm going to make cotton candy in mad science. I'm excited and when I made a pillow I was proud of myself. I like when I made some bows for everybody. I like making my new silver purse. - M.D.

Chatham Counselor Post

Week One went by so fast!  We had so much fun with our group of campers.  I have to say how proud I am of them of all the hard work they did and how much they did, and I am also so proud of their good behavior!  I heard "please" and "thank you" from every camper, and so many of the kids were such good helpers!

Here are some pictures from each class we had last week.

Acting for TV/Film
Acting Exercises

Watching their final presentation.  Thank you to our parents for coming!

Brain Training

Learning new techniques for memorization.

Mad Science

Learning about dry ice.

Creative Writing

 Creating 3D characters to write stories about


Creating minecraft games and doing the Hunger Games challenge.

Detective Spy Lab

Learning about fingerprinting


Video Game Creation

 Learning how to create different challenges for their video games.
Vocal Techniques

Learning the "Cups" song.

Youngster Program