Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Week 5 counselor post- Singing Sensation

This week I am the counselor for singing sensation! There are about nine kids in class and they are all very talented! We have a variety of ages and abilities and they are all really enjoying. Their teacher Tania is very experienced and making sure they are all learning while having fun. They are each working on either a solo performance or a duet they want to perform on Friday for their friends and family who come to see them perform. They each will be able to take home a professional CD that the teacher will help them record. They all seem to be having a great time and learning a lot! I am enjoying listening to the kids grow as I can already see improvements in just two days! I will post some pictures of them in class and plan on uploading videos of some of their songs to the you tube channel! Keep an eye out for both of those! 


Counselor Post #12 - Video Game Creation Class

This week at International Ivy I am the counselor for the Video Game Creation Class in the morning.  I have not been in this class before, and I am very impressed with what the students are able to learn and start doing so quickly.  Here are some things that the teacher taught the students before they began programming:
  • The computer is only as smart as you make it.
  • The computer only does what you tell it to do, so if you tell it something incorrectly you must go back and fix it.  
  • For popular video games, it can take many people up to several years to create one game.  In our class, each student has one week to make a game.  
The students are able to make different rooms (which will eventually be like different levels), enemies which will attack the player, portals, bonuses, and weapons to attack the enemy.  Our students are a wide range of ages and skills, yet they are enthusiastically helping each other and learning some new things at the same time.    The class time is divided into direct instruction (where the students are able to learn the procedure from the teacher) and the rest is testing their game, designing it, and adding in new things on their own.  On Friday, they are able to play each others games and take them all home!  

Pictures will be up shortly! 

I am in Advanced Video Game Creation.  It's really fun.  I have a dragon and it's really cute.  It's blue and tiny and my friend has an exact copy of it but just in red!  I really like Advanced Video Game creation and I can't wait to come back to camp next year.  


Advanced Video Game Creation

I love Video Game Creation.  I just made a cute little baby dragon... with an axe!  It is Alison Awesome.  Also, I have a twin ragon.  It's m friend!  I'm red and she's blue. 


Week 5 Robotics Class

My favorite thing about this class is making the robot do things.  I like to make it cry and talk a I like the styles it moves.  This is one of the best camps I've ever been to! 

By: A.H. 
Counselor Post #11

Week 5 got off to a great start yesterday! I was able to help out in our Advanced Video Game Design class and the kids have started designing really great fantasy games. It was fun to see them all design their characters and the "rooms" in which the game will take place. Although everyone's first room shared the same theme, wilderness, they were all different because each kid added his or her own personal touches. I can't wait to see what they come up with today!

- Rebecca

Friday, July 27, 2012

Today we learned that spiders and scorpions are arachnids.  And we made the bee attractor.  We're going to make fake snow and flip books next.  I think this is the best class that's at this camp!  It is amazing!  

Today in my opinion was the 2nd best day of Weird & Amazing science camp because we played dodgeball and I was the last one standing in my team.    I dodged all the balls the other team threw, then I threw a ball at the other team.  But someone caught it.  After that we played again and had water.  One of the leaders poured water all over me, then we hunted for our circles.  After that we did a few more things.  Then we made flip books.  Weird & Amazing Science was a great, fun, amazing camp.  But was made it super good was I made nice new friends, like E.B., A.L., my teacher Amanda and my counselor Stephanie.  I had so much fun. 

By: M.W.
Today is the last day of Weird & Amazing Science.  We learned about camouflage by using paper dots to camouflage to different place.  Now we're learning about motion pictures.  It is very fun.  We're also making fake snow.  It looks like snow, but it feels weird. 

The tricks we did in magic were great!  Why?  Because we learned different ways to use them.  But out of all of them my favorite was Dice Prediction.  I really enjoy the class a lot.  Now I have learned more tricks that I can show my mom, dad, and my sister who is coming home very soon!! :) 

Today in Hocus Pocus Magic we learned two tricks.  At the end of the day we're having a magic show!  We are going to perform 1 or 2 tricks!  We got to pick what tricks we wanted to do yesterday!  I'm excited for the magic show today!  

- S.P.
Today in Hocus Pocus Magic we have a magic show.  I am so excited.  My two tricks are a card trick with my friend Bob, and a dice prediction.  I think we are playing dodgeball at break time.  I hope today will be fun.  

I loved being in race car video game design. Race car video game class was very challenging and fun. This class has taught me a lot of designing. I can't wait until next year!

I really loved my experience at International Ivy Camp. In video game design which was the class I took, my teacher, peers and counselor were nice an my video game was fun to make! The camp facilities were nice and was just right. Also during break time, we played many fun games and it is a delightful time. I really recommend this camp and class to you and hope you come! Thanks!

I loved video game creation. I loved it because it's fun to learn how to program video games. After you're done programming you get to play! This class is great and a fun learning experience!


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Counselor Post #10

Today in International Ivy we had a very busy day.  The children were so excited about all of their activities, and the teachers were definitely keeping them busy.  During chess they were learning new advanced terminology for the moves they were doing, such as "skewers". 

In Reading and Study Skills, the students were talking today about time management.  The teacher told them how important it is to find their best time to study instead of doing what someone else might think is best. 

In Race Car Video Game Design, they were decorating the tracks that they made.  I was surprised at how advanced the program was and how interesting it was all turning out to be.  Tomorrow they get to take home their finished games!

In movie making, the final group was filming their movie with one of their teachers.  A second teacher was with the remaining students.  They did warmup acting exercises, then read monologues, and finally got to learn how different takes of a movie get edited and how long it takes to make the final product. 

In Brain Training, they were continuing on with their challenging games, where they have to follow different patterns and make different associations based on what the instructor tells them.  During class, our counselor Jaimee was interviewing some of the students as well to see what their opinions were of their different classes. 

Please remember to wear your International Ivy shirts tomorrow!
Today in movie making we are filming our movies.  We practiced so many times!  I had fun!  We went to a lot of places on the campus for the film.  We did a school scene where girls ignore a girl.  You'll have to see the movie to know what happens!  


Today in Hocus Pocus Magic we learned four more tricks.  My favorite trick is the three card monte!  **S.P.

Post from Film Class

Today in movie making we practiced scripts we.  We practiced today because tomorrow we're making our movie.  You have to practice every day! 


Camp Pictures

Hello everyone!  As you are aware, we take plenty of pictures and videos throughout the day to make keepsakes and lasting memories of the International Ivy camp experience.  The videos are being uploaded weekly to our Youtube channel, and we also recently created a shutterfly account in order to upload the pictures we have taken.  You all will receive emails of the link and to our pictures very soon!  

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I am in Weird & Amazing Science.  We are making catapults and learn about simple machines.  We are also having catapult contests.  I love Weird & Amazing science because of the cool take-homes (a catapult) & projects (dissecting a diaper).

By: A.L.
In Weird & Amazing Science we did lots of fun things.  We made bouncy balls, learned magic tricks and made marshmallow structures.  We learned about friction and different simple machine!  This was one of my best classes! 

In weird and amazing science we learned many things - from magic tricks to building structures with marshmallows and toothpicks.  Every day we did fun activities and experiments. 

Today we did four magic tricks in magic camp.  One of them was ripping a Jack and putting it back to normal.

- N.N.
Today is Hocus Pocus Magic.  We learned 4 more magic tricks!  We showed a lot of them too.  I think everybody got Ivy Points because everyone is very good at their tricks.  We made a lot of videos to put on the blog.  I had fun in class today.  

Today in magic, we learned a few new tricks.  I had a lot of fun.  At break time we had different relay races.  Today was a fun day.  

This is Lily, the Program Director.  I have awesome news to report.
Dr. Hemant Kairam
  • Yesterday, we were visited by a representative of the American Camping Association as part of the accreditation process and it looks highly likely we will be accredited for next year!!!  Elaine, our Assistant Director, and the team were flawless.  YEAH! - It feels like swinging on ropes in the jungle Tarzan-style.
  • Also, we welcome Summit Pediatrics to the team!  They are our "on call" physicians.  We are so incredibly lucky because these pediatricians are wonderful - I know first hand.  Dr. Hemant Kairam was recognized as one of America’s Top Pediatricians (2004-2007) and awarded the Clinical Excellence in Pediatrics Award (2012). Dr. John Vigorita was just awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award in Pediatrics!    

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Counselor Post #9

The past two days at International Ivy, the students have really been getting into the swing of things.  The films are coming along great - one group even finished filming today!  We had some great relay races during break, and the kids are starting to make friends.  We have welcomed our new international students - a set of twins from China - and it is fun to see the children all interacting with each other.  I love seeing such a diverse group of learners and so many cultures mixing together into one group. 

Tomorrow we are filming another video, and Thursday our final group is going to shoot their movie.  Our brain trainers are working hard again this week.  At the end of last week, our students received the results from their IQ test.  Some of them had learning skills of students 5-8 years older than them! This is a great way to keep from getting bored during the summer. 

Tomorrow is Halloween!  Please stay posted for pictures of our Halloween costumes! 

Today in movie making we rehearsed our parts in our film.  It was sort of tiring.  At snack we had sack races.  They were fun.  We also had a race where we put a ball in between two people's hips.  That was fun.  Today was fun.


Movie Making

Today we practiced our lines for the movie.  It's very tiring.  But it is super fun!  At snack we did sack races.  I had fun!


Learning Film Terminology

Practicing our lines

Counselor Post #8

Today, during break, we had an exciting competition.  Campers were divided into three teams and they competed in sack races.  After they got good at that, they even tried it backwards!  My favorite part was seeing the campers cheer on their teammates! 


Counselor Post #7

This week in race car video game design the campers are very excited to begin creating their track.  They have each chosen different unique details so that no games are the same.  They are very focused and working hard!  At the end of the week they will be able to take a CD home that has their game as well as their classmates' games on it.  This will allow them to play an of these finished games outside of class.

This week in hocus pocus magic, the campers are transforming into magicians!  On Monday they learned a few great tricks and had time to practice with their classmates!  They were able to take the supplies home in order to show their family and friends what they have learned!  They are also looking forward to a class Magic show on Friday that we hope the parents will come watch!  Until then, they will continue to learn new magic tricks and master the ones they have learned.  

Hocus Pocus Magic

Practicing and Performing Tricks

Race Car Video Game Design

In movie-making, my group is making a video about a kid who goes missing.  Four girls then go to find her.  they find her and ask her why she hid.  She just wanted some attention!  Everybody was ignoring her!  It teaches you never to bully.


Writing Class Poem

Here is a poem from our writing class.  The assignment was to use slang terms from the English language to write a poem.  

I am Fresh

Sup yo, I got swag
I am so fresh, you got nothing on me
I ain't gonna hurt you, so don't back up, sheesh.

Hola, I got a cool name.
Don't look at me like that, I'm not lame. 
Ayo das  one for calling me out
I didn't steal that food so don't shout.

Now that you know that I got swag
No need to sulk, don't be a drag.
Adios, I need to go, 
This is so fresh, nice seeing you bro.

Here is another entry from the same author.

The broski drew a knife and gripped the blade as if to throw it.
"You ain't gonna get me with that," Death said triumphantly.
"Ayo, shuddup," the broski replied, and threw it.
It flew right between death's legs.
"Ayo das one for trying to kill me," Death shouted.  He punched the broski in the forehead and stomach.
As the man crum[pled to the ground, he whispered,
"Adios, bro," and walked away.  The next thing he knew, he had woke up in his cardboard box.  It had all been a dream.
"Well, at least I am fresh and still got my swag," he concluded.

The End


Magic Class

In magic class we did two magic tricks.  One we made something disappear and second we made rainbow dice appear.  

Robotics Post From 7/19

This class is awesome!! :)  We did soooo muccchhh stuffff! Like designing a plow and learning the ultrasonic sensor. This class is the best.  


It is very fun in lego robotics.  I'm having fun programming and building my robot.   I worked on the ultrasonic sensor.  It is a sensor that makes sure the robot doesn't fall.  


Today was wet day.  In Morning Break, we went outside and had snack. Then we chose to fill up our guns and shoot each other.  People made teams and fought each other.  I liked it a lot!  We got really wet. 


 Today in Robotics, we learned how to use the ultrasonic sensor to detect distance.  We put our robots on a table and they were supposed to stay on.  I made mine stay on using the programming system.  This is awesome! 


Monday, July 23, 2012

Hello Everyone,

Week four has just begun and there is another family here from China! They just arrived yesterday and already have an action packed schedule. The parents are doctors and are meeting with local doctors in the area to learn how medicine is different here than in China. Their children are already gaining experience making movies in our film making class and interacting with other international students in English class. During English class, they are learning about American culture through reading, student-teacher interaction and watching famous American films such as The Blind Side. That is not all, for the two weeks they are here they will be experiencing many famous American cities including New York City, Boston, and Washington D.C. More updates and pictures to come!

International Ivy ESL teacher

Counselor Post #6

Hello everyone!!  This is the beginning of our fourth week at International Ivy.  Last week finished strong, with a really wonderful group going home having learned all new things.  Our students had an amazing time, an we had so many return for this week!  We also have two new international students, and there will be posts from them and their teacher throughout the week about their trips.

Here are our classes in the morning:

  • Movie Making
  • Race Car Video Game Creation
  • Reading an Study Skills
  • Chess
  • Brain Training
Our afternoon classes are:
  • Hocus Pocus Magic
  • Advanced Video Game Creation
  • Weird and Amazing Science
We have already made some interesting videos and we took some great pictures, so please keep checking back!  You can read the blog posts from our film class students today, and there is one more poem from our writing class last week that is going to be posted! 

Here are some things that you can do to help us out the next few weeks:
  • Take the student/parent survey
  • Take the polls on the side of the blog
  • Comment on our posts
  • View our videos on our Youtube Channel
Our schedule of events for the week are:
  • Tuesday - T-shirts go home
  • Wednesday - Halloween in July > wear a Halloween Costume! 
  • Thursday - Wet Day.  We will have a water balloon fight, so please have your child bring an extra shirt and a towel.  A complete change of clothes is also a good option just in case. 
  • Friday - Wear your International Ivy Shirt.  We would like to take class pictures on Friday will all the children in their shirts.  
Thank you!  Please check back again tomorrow. 

Santa Trap

I am in movie making camp.  I am making a fake commercial advertising a product I made up with L.Z and O.P. called Santa Trap.  It is really funny and cheesy.


Movie Making

I'm in movie making and today we started a short.  It was great the teacher said you could do anything as your topic.  Our topic was great so take movie making and start making movies.  


Week 4 Day 1

Hi, my name is L.C.  I go to movie making camp at Ivy.  I really like break because we get free snacks.  We also get to play with the frisbees and balls for 30 minutes.  


Movie Class

I would like to finish my movie.  It would be cool to add cool effects.  I like Movie-making!


Friday, July 20, 2012

Pictures From the Past Few Days

Playing Minute to Win It

The Winning Team

Playing Face the Cookie

Wet Day!

Playing hangman in writing class.

Writing Class with Teacher Rob


Students eating in the dining hall

Here are some Parent Comments and Suggestions!

International Ivy asked our students and families this week to fill out a survey about our program.  Here are some comments we would like to share:

Thank you so much for a fabulous summer camp/enrichment experience!  

Everyone was welcoming and warm.  B.R. has enjoyed his two weeks.  Thanks.

Different factors were important for my children.  This camp was a good balance for their different personalities.  

Writing Class Assignment

This is an assignment that was written by a student in writing class.  They were asked to write DURING class to write an essay compared to two poems.  This is something that would be asked of a much higher grade level because of the short amount of time, and the students did a magnificent job.

 Two Poems
By: R.G.

          These two poems, "Marvellous Travel" by Joshua Fernandez and "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost, are very enthralling.  "Marvellous Travel" is about a writer who travels different places and with different things.  "The Road Not taken" is about a person who has to choose which road to take and by choosing the road less traveled by, he discovered something new.  I like :The Road Not Taken: more because the poet has to make a choice, he discovered something new, the poetic format, and the fact that he traveled through his home state. 

          There are many extra similarities between the two home state poems.  First, in both poems, the poet travels somewhere.  "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood."  According to this quite, Robert Frost is traveling on two roads in a yellow wood.  In "Marvellouis Travel" the poet travels to different continents.  Next, they both discover something in their travels.  "Watching those silently cry, Asking themselves the question why, someone left them without saying goodbye."  According to the quote, Joshua Fernandez discovers that man people are in pain and are sad.  Finally, they both are written in first person.  Accordingly, there are many similarities.  

          There are also many differences between the two poems.  First of all, "Marvellous Travel" is way longer than "The Road Not Taken" with 22 lines.  "The Road Not Taken" only has 16 lines.  Next, the author of "Marvellous Travel" would be very happy to go traveling again.  Robert Frost, author of "The Road Not Taken" would rather not go back to the worn out field.  Finally, they travel to different places.  Fernandez travels around the world in Asia, America, or Europe.  Frost stays in the yellow wood of Massachusetts.  Though in his home state, he discovered something he'd never ever seen.  As you can see there are also man differences. 

          I like "The Road Not Taken" more because of the poetic format, the fact that the poet has to make a choice, the fact that the poet discovered something new, and the fact that he traveled through his home state.  First, I like that he made his poem four lines per stanza and included a rhyme scheme.  A rhyme scheme makes this poem sound good.  Second, the poet had to make a choice.  I like when people have to make a chouce because it makes a poem or a story more suspenseful on what would happen if he chose a certain one.  Third, I like that he discovered something new by taking a different path.  Though it was worn out and he'd never come back, it's always better when you do something different.  Finally I like that he traveled through his home state an found places that he's never seen before.  It's great because you get to explore places you've never seen before vecause you always want to see the world, not your home state.  Now you know why I really like this poem.  

          I like "The Road Not Taken" more because the poet has freedom.  He has freedom to add suspense, change the poetic format, create a discovery and set the story in his home state.  I think that Frost write great poems that has imagery, suspense, and poetic format.  I learned a lot from this great poem.  

Today, we made something that looked like snow.  We used sodium polyacrylate, and water.  It was cool.  It rose a bit, and felt mushy.

Today in Mad Science, we made fake snow.  It was soft, and you could not eat it.  We also made sound effects with different things like chains, coconuts, gloves, shoes, wooden boards, and rainsticks.  Today mad science was fun. 
Today we learned about insects.  That was really gross.  There were a lot of cool facts.  We just made some snow.  And now we are making sound effects that they use in movies.  They use them because the footsteps or anything isn't loud enough for the microphone.  They have to use different props for each sound!  I had fun! 

My Week at International Ivy

My week at International Ivy was so fun,
Now it's hard to believe that it is done.
The classes were cook and the breaks were awesome,
Now I will tell you all about them. 

I had writing from nine to twelve thirty
But don't worry, I'm not that nerdy.
I wrote essays, stories, and many poems.
I am sure to share them at my home.

I had video game creation until five, 
It was a blast, and a jive.
I get to take home twelve games, 
I only get to play them cause they're far from lame. 

I had two breaks during the whole day,
I just had one so I'm like "yay"!
We did a lot of stuff like minute to win it, 
Because the counselors have so many wits.

Now that you know that camp was a blast, 
I hope next summer comes really fast.


International Ivy

The week at Ivy 
Has been fun
With lots of lively stuff!
We had wet-day and 
Friday, and now the 
Week is done.

We played dodgeball,
Capture the flag,  and
Even duck, duck, goose!
We made new friends
but kept the old. 

We wrote short stories, 
and did study skills. 
There was rain and there was sun.
We'll never forget the fun we had
At International Ivy! 


Writing Class - International Ivy Poem

I liked the breaks
There were many different stakes
Writing was fun
It was like playing with a machine gun.

We played a game
Which increased my fame
My robot's name is Death
You can tell by his uneven breath.

I love this class
It's a blast
I love the Ivy Points 
They're like golden coins.

This class is the best 
There is no test
When I get out of here
I'll say to my parents this class is very dear


International Ivy Camp Poem - Writing Class

International Ivy camp was a blast
The Caldwell College campus was very wast. 
I enjoyed writing to be better
And remember when I forgot a letter. 

Lunch was awesome in the cafeteria
Though we had to deal with heat bacteria.
During breaks we had snack outside
Though we felt like we were being fried.

Then I had Robotics class
Lego Mindstorms NXT was a blast.
Then at 5:00 we had to go
I was sad that only a few more days were left.

I had writing class until twelve thirty
I thought I might be kinda nerdy.
We wrote stories, poems, and plays
I like the poem about the horse that goes neigh.

In the afternoon, I had Robotics
The Lego Mindstorm NXT's were symbiotic.
We programmed our robots to do cool things
We are so awesome we can make it sing.

My favorite part of the day was break
There were so many snacks I didn't know what to take. 
We played different games and had so much fun
We had a great time on wet day in the sun.


Two Articles Essay

Yesterday in Writing Class, the students were asked to read and answer comprehension about two articles.  Here is the assignment that one of our students wrote and decided to share on the blog.

Two Articles
By: R. G.

These two articles we read in class, “Sweet Corn” by Tony Earley and “Inside Alaska” by Rob Knotts, are very entertaining. “Sweet Corn” is about the author’s grandma’s delicious corn and how electricity helped her keep corn. “Inside Alaska” is about the exploration of caves in the Alaskan rainforest that has led to great discoveries. I like “Inside Alaska” more because of the exploration, the personal experience, and the location.

               There are many similarities between both articles. Both articles have personal experiences throughout the article. In “Sweet Corn,” he states his experience eating Granny’s corn. In “Inside Alaska,” he starts the article by providing his experience exploring a cave. Second, both articles have great discoveries that help humanity. “Inside Alaska” has a discovery that helps scientists uncover human history while “Sweet Corn” has a discovery that helps Granny keep corn year round. Finally, both articles have important secrets like Granny’s corn secret. According to this paragraph, there are many similarities.  

               There are very few things different in both articles. First of all, they take place in different places. One takes place in North Carolina while the other takes place in Alaska. Next, one article was about food while the other was about cave exploration. Finally, “Inside Alaska” is longer with 17 paragraphs while “Sweet Corn” has 5 paragraphs. As you can see, there are very few things different between the two articles.

               I like “Inside Alaska” for many reasons. First, I like it because they explore different caves. I like reading stories about people who explored different dangerous places and how they survive and what they find. Second, I like that the author included a personal experience. It gives a good hook to the beginning of the story and it certainly got me interested in this story. Finally, the place this story takes place is Alaska. I really like Alaska because of the glaciers and the rainforests. Now you know why I really like “Inside Alaska.”

               I like “Inside Alaska” more because of the exploration, the personal experience, and the location. Scientists found evidence of human history is Alaska, the author includes a nice touch with the personal experience, and scientists searched the Alaskan caves for evidence. This is a great summary of the article. Rob Knotts added a technique that a lot of writers forget, a hook. His personal experience drew me into the story when I first heard it. I will certainly remember to include a hook while writing.


Science Class

Before in science we poured water into a tornado jar.  Then we put red food coloring into the water.  Then we put glitter , and closed the cap, and shook it.  It was cool. 

Today we made tornadoes with red water and gold glitter.  We are making volcanoes with red food coloring.  The most fun part about today is making the tornadoes.  I had fun.

Mad Science

Today in mad science we made mini tornadoes.  First we filled the cup with water.  Then we put red food coloring.  After, we put the cap on and shook the cup.  Last we put glitter in the cup and put the cap on.  That's how we made mini tornadoes.  After, we made mini earthquakes.  We made structures and saw if it could handle an earthquake.  Last we made mini volcanoes.  We put water and red food coloring.  Last we put the volcano in water and it erupted.  Mad science was fun.

Weird and Amazing Science

Here is a post from our international student.  Her English has become so much better!  She is always speaking and practicing her writing. 

I'm very very funny this class today.  I make a catapult.  I know triangles is a strong shape.  I like how you taught me to make a volcano.  


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Writing Class Entry

Our Writing Class has elected to share some of their essays on our blog!  We have some very talented writers in this class, and written below is one of the essays written from yesterday's class.  They read two plays and were asked to compare, contrast, and share their opinions on the plays in their essay.  Please read below.

Two Play Excerpts
By: R.G.

The two excerpts from the plays “Harvey” by Mary Chase and “Brighton Beach Memoirs” by Neil Simon are very motivating to me. The play “Harvey” is about a man named Elwood who has a special friend name Harvey who no one else can see. The play “Brighton Beach Memoirs” is about a boy, Eugene, who is trying to play baseball but is annoying everyone inside the house. I like “Brighton Beach Memoirs” more because it is more realistic, uses baseball history, and is funny because of all the screaming matches.

               Both plays have very few things in common. First of all, they both have a lot of dialogue. If it didn’t have dialogue then it would be considered a play. Next, they both have some narration and stage directions throughout the excerpts. You can tell by the many italics in parentheses and capital letters. Finally, both excerpts have four characters. In “Brighton Beach Memoirs” there are 4 characters: Kate & Eugene Jerome and Blanche & Laurie Morton. In “Harvey” the four characters are Elwood, Mrs. Chauvenet, Veta, and Myrtle. All these characters play important roles in the excerpts. As you can see there are very few similarities.

               Though both plays do have many differences. The play “Harvey” has a lot more stage directions and narration. This is true because half the story is telling the audience and the actors information about the next part. Also, there is a lot more imagination in “Harvey.” Elwood is using his imagination to create his invisible friend who he thinks everyone else can see but is wrong. “Brighton Beach Memoirs” is so realistic and is possible to occur any day. Finally, “Brighton Beach Memoirs” has a lot more lines. There are 171 lines in “Brighton Beach Memoirs” and 66 lines in “Harvey.” As you can see, there are many more differences then similarities.

               I like “Brighton Beach Memoirs” more because it is more realistic, funnier with the screaming matches, and uses baseball history. This excerpt is more realistic as there is nothing to imagine unlike in “Harvey” when he believes his invisible friend is a pooka. This scenario could happen anytime at a house somewhere else. This excerpt is really funny because Kate screams at Eugene all the time about dumb things. She thinks that roller blades left in the kitchen will kill her. Finally, I really like “Brighton Beach Memoirs” because of the use of baseball history with old famous players. I like baseball and history so this is the perfect part of this play. There are many reasons why I really like this specific part of the play.

I like “Brighton Beach Memoirs” more because it is more realistic, uses baseball history, and is funny because of all the screaming matches. The author has the freedom to make the play realistic without adding imagination, use baseball history to make the play more alive, and use screaming matches to make viewers laugh. Neil Simon wrote a great play using an actual place an creating a family that is normal. He has taught me a lot about writing plays.


This camp is awesome!! :)  The tribots are so cool!  There are also claws of doom so you can fight!! :)


Robotics Class - 7/18/2012

Just now in Robotics, I learned how to use the switch with the light sensor.  When you program your robot with a light switch and put it in a black rung it will not escape as long as you programmed it right.  It is so cool.             -R.G.

Break Time!

Today we had "wet day".  Everyone got a water gun.  Then we started spraying each other!  Everyone was drenched at the end.  The fun had to come to an end!