Friday, June 29, 2018

The Wave of the Future

Chatham Week 1

   Look out world the explorer robots are coming through. Today in our Robotics class, Jacob taught the campers how to build and program explorer bots. They looked a little like Wall-E and the kids loved it. They had to build a maze using Lego bricks and try to get the Robot to navigate it's way around. These campers were amazing and had so much fun!

Fashion Show Fun!!

On Day 5 of the first week at Short Hills, the Fashion and Sewing class displayed all their hard work by putting on a fashion show! These fashionistas got to wear the amazing outfits they made and even got to show off their creativity for others to see.

Short Hills International Ivy Chant

As our first week at International Ivy comes to an end, the campers show off their enthusiasm through our International Ivy Chant! Here's a copy of our chant so you can keep the International Ivy spirit alive at home.

Head Counselor Emma: Hey Ivy! One, Two, Three!
Campers: Clap
Head Counselor Emma: Hey Ivy, What do we say?
Campers: Fun, Create, Celebrate!

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Fun in the Sun

Chatham Week 1

   It may have been raining this morning but the campers and Chatham team sure brought out the sunshine! Kids came dressed in their bright colored beach wear. The staff went Hawaiian with leis and grass skirts. At break time we set up a photo area to capture the great outfits and spirit the campers had. 

Here is a video montage of the day!

Youngster Yoga

On Day 4 of the first week of camp at Short Hills, the youngsters learned yoga. They got to stretch their legs and stay active as a group. Some of the counselors even decided to join the fun! We had a great Wacky-Tacky Thursday!! 

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Colorful Construction at Short Hills

 On Day 3 of the first week at Short Hills, the Leadership Games class continued to learn and play together. They combined their creativity to make some interesting designs!

They were even able to make a house, toy blocks, and one huge tower.
They finished up by discovering the world's tallest human!

Introducing Game Theory

Chatham Week 1

         Did you ever dream of running your own country? With the new class game theory you are in charge. Learning diplomacy and peace treaties has never been this fun. You get to declare war on other nations and try to work out your differences for the good of your people. Check out the video detailing Game Theory from one of our campers. 

Exciting Nature Walk at Short Hills!

On Tuesday during our first week of camp at Short Hills, the Youngsters practiced their photography skills during a nature walk!

Equipped with cameras, the kids documented their fascinating finds while learning about the plant life they were seeing! They found some gorgeous flowers, uniquely-shaped leaves, and tall trees.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Now Boarding: The Chatham Train

Chatham Week 1

     Welcome to Summer! Here in Chatham camp has begun. We are all having so much fun these first couple of days. Yesterday we got to know our new campers and some returning favorites. We introduced new counselors and started some brand new classes like Game Theory and Flight and Aerospace. 

     Today, we began shooting a very creative film, making new recipes for lemonade, developing ideas in shark tank, building vehicles, creating video games, researching speeches, dissecting brains, assembling a jury, creating programs in scratch, and printing items in 3D. At break relay races were the talk of the town. Five teams competed in different style races ranging from basketballs between the legs to crab walks across the gym. Who knows were the rest of the week will take us but we are all aboard.

A winning team!

Creativity at work.