Thursday, August 2, 2018

A New Carnival at Short Hills !!!!

This Thursday at Short Hills, the campers got to experience an International Ivy Carnival! This unique carnival is complete with prizes, popcorn, temporary tattoos and games! The campers had a great time and the counselors loved being a part of this amazing event!

Superhero Day @ Somerset

Check out these super awesome superheroes! From learning how to build structures to creating their own video games, they're gonna be the worlds next best!

Operation! in Chatham!

Week 6

Our campers are showing off their technical abilities in Makey Makey! Today, our campers recreated the classic game, Operation!, with their Makey Makey boards. We can't wait to try out their version! Check out the video below of our awesome camper showing off his game


Building the Future in Paramus!

This week, Paramus campers are getting technological and innovative!

In 3D Printing, campers use professional 3D design programs to create custom objects which they later print one of two 3D printers we have at this location. Creations so far have ranged from keychains to coffee mugs!

In Programming with Scratch, campers use Scratch, a popular coding program for learners, to manipulate characters on the screen. With their instructor, they are learning how specific commands manipulate the characters and how to string those commands together!

Campers and their Instructor developing code in Scratch

Entrepreneurial Visions in Oakland!

In Oakland's Shark Tank Entrepreneur class, our future business leaders are hard at work creating new inventions, and using what they learn about business to strengthen their products. Our campers are learning about how to do primary and secondary research, how to market their inventions, and how to conduct presentations to persuade investors. Our campers are looking forward to presenting their ideas to their families, and attempting to get the "sharks" to invest in their companies on Friday!