Thursday, August 1, 2013

Spontaneous Short Story Writing - By T.P., A.C., and E.W.

On a hot summer day a pig was taking a bubble bath, when suddenly one bubble began to grow in the air. Inside the bubble was a pig fairy. The pig fairy said she will grant the pig three wishes. The pig's first wish was a refrigerator full of ice cream. He was amazed and for his second wish he said he wanted some cool clothes. When he went to his room and looked in his closet he has the world's most amazing clothes ever including designer sunglasses. His third wish was for 1,000 more wishes. He wanted another fairy to grant him double the wished. This way he can share his present with his best friend Ralph. The second fairy said if you get too greedy we'll take away all of your wishes but we will lay a curse on you. And you'll have a rooster head, frog legs, and a horse body. But the pig forgot about what the second fairy pig said and for too greedy. One night when he was sleeping on his new king sized bed, surrounded by toys, and right next to a huge flat-screen TV, he felt something weird tingling in his body. And he started to cough up feathers. When he woke up he found out that is was just a dream. The end!

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